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School Life

School Uniform

The School Uniform and Sixth Form dress code is intended to give students a pride in their appearance and in the School and to ensure fairness to all. Correct uniform should be worn for school, and on school outings unless specific permission is given to the contrary.  General tidiness is expected of all students. 

For all students: Hair should be no longer than collar length or it should be tied back or, where hair is worn long for religious reasons, kept tidy and covered with a turban, hijab in the Sixth form, or similar head coverings. These should be in a discreet colour. Extremes of hair styles such as shaved heads or patterns shaved into extremely short hair are not acceptable for all year groups.  Inappropriate appearance will not be permitted, e.g, visible body piercings or tattoos, and the Headteacher reserves the right to decide the suitability of appearance and clothing for schoolwear, especially as fashions are constantly changing.

Yr 7 to 11

Ornamentation of any kind is not permitted when uniform is being worn.  The uniform for Years 7-11 consists of blazer and black or dark grey trousers.  The blazer must be of the standard type – navy blue (not black) and single breasted, with badge.  All items should be marked with the owner’s name. 

If required, all students should wear a smart, plain coloured outdoor coat: denim jackets and ‘hoodies’ are not permitted. Any logos should be discrete. Please see the school’s Behaviour Policy for further information on uniform expectations. 

Tie – Each boy will wear his House tie (your son’s house will be notified at the New Parents’ Evening in July):                                                

  • Caldecott – Purple
  • Kent – Yellow
  • Simpson – Green
  • Tait – Maroon
  • WheelerBlue

Socks – Plain grey or black

Shoes  – Black.  Not boots/trainers

Shirts and Collars – White

Jumper – Navy blue V neck.  Please note – this is intended to supplement the school blazer, it is not intended to be a replacement for it.  

Details of the PE/Games kit can be found by following this link:
Grays –

The authorised School fitter is:
Webb Ellis Clothing, 5-6 St Mathew’s Street, Rugby, CV21 3BY - (01788) 567777 (Daywear).

Good quality used uniform can be obtained via the school office (donations for purchases can be given).

Sixth form

Although an official school uniform is not worn in the sixth form, there is a dress code, namely that both male and female students should be dressed appropriately for a formal business environment. The dress code is intended to give sixth formers a pride in their appearance and in the School and to ensure fairness to all. The dress code should be adhered to when attending school and on school trips, unless specific permission is given to the contrary.

The dress code for all students is smart business wear of a formal jacket or blazer with trousers, skirt or dress. Male students are expected to wear a tie.  Smart, low heeled shoes should be worn. A plain V-necked pullover may be worn under the formal jacket/blazer when it is cold.

All clothes, whether skirt, dress or trousers should not be too tight and should be of a non-clingy fabric.

Long hair should be tied back when in practical settings such as laboratories and workshops. Extremes of hair styles, shaved heads or patterns shaved into extremely short hair are not acceptable. Where a beard is opted for it should be short and neatly trimmed.

Make-up and nail polish should be discreet if worn.

Jewellery should be suitable for a formal business environment i.e. small ear studs or small nose piercing.

An inappropriate appearance will not be permitted, and the Headteacher reserves the right to decide the suitability of appearance and clothing for school wear, especially as fashions are constantly changing and particularly in response to any particular cultural/medical requirements.

If you have any questions about this dress code, please contact Mr Bedgood, Head of Sixth Form.