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Pastoral care at Lawrence Sheriff

Pastoral care at Lawrence Sheriff involves extensive support and guidance for all students  in order to promote their personal development, academic success and overall well being.

A large team of dedicated staff support students throughout a variety of means to address their social, emotional and mental health needs. Heads of House and Heads of Year work together alongside form tutors to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where students feel safe, supported, and valued  throughout all aspects of school life. Our Pastoral department, which consists of three dedicated non-teaching members of staff, are always on hand to provide additional support for mental health and well-being needs. The school also employs an independent school counsellor who students can access should they need to do so.

On joining Lawrence Sheriff students are placed into a ‘House’ group (Caldecott, Kent, Tait, Simpson or Wheeler) which helps to foster a sense of belonging and community through the many House competitions that take place throughout each academic year. Students are allocated a form tutor who remains with them throughout their entire time at Lawrence Sheriff. Students spend up to 50 minutes each day with their form tutor across two tutor periods. The vertical tutor group, which students are placed in, is made up of students across all year groups, Year 7 - Year 13, and serves as an extended family. Form tutors act as a first port of call for students or parents should any problems or concerns arise. Form tutors also deliver the pastoral curriculum which encompasses PSHE, Citizenship, Current Affairs and Careers. All of these activities support students to make healthy and positive choices, helping them to grow into happy and successful adults.  In addition to Heads of House, students also have a dedicated Head of Year who provides pastoral support which is focused on academic studies throughout their time at Lawrence Sheriff. 

Lawrence Sheriff believes that students excel academically if they feel both safe and happy. Young people should be allowed to make mistakes and learn from these in a safe and nurturing environment. Growing up in today’s modern world presents a vast amount of exciting opportunities, however these opportunities are matched with challenges in equal measure. An example of this would be the online world where much of our daily tasks are carried out. The internet contains opportunities to connect with people and to carve out exciting and innovative careers; however, on the other hand, the internet can present many challenges for young people, such as how to stay safe online and remain connected with the physical world. Pastoral care at Lawrence Sheriff aims to equip young people with the necessary skills to navigate the modern world and grow into successful, happy adults.

Please click to visit the Lawrence Sheriff Pastoral site.

Click to visit our Pastoral Site

Pastoral site